June 12, 2010

Green Tea Health Benefits

Green tea originates from China. It is a tea made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing.

Most people love to drink this kind of tea because of the good benefits it can give. Green tea can be a fat fighter because it has a active ingredient known as epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG for short that increases the rate at which fat is burned in your body. It also improves insulin use in the body to prevent blood sugar increase that can result in fatigue and irritability, in short it keeps our energy stable. Green tea can also be helpful to those patient who have a lung cancer because EGCG can suppress lung cancer cell growth. It contains anti-oxidant that can kill free radicals and it can prevent skin damage and wrinkling.

See, there are so many reasons why we need to drink green tea, aside from the health benefits it also tastes good whether its hot or cold.


HaLoJiN said...

I agree to those reason you give why we need to drink green tea. Anyway, My father always drink green tea because of it's good effect.

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